Saturday, September 6, 2008

Miz Allie Takes a Stroll in the Yard

Miz Allie takes a stroll........................Meow

Miz Allie is exploring the big scary yard...and around the back of that bigggggg tree....phew.....over the bridge...whats that...ahhh its just that silly ole squirrel....and that was sure a long walk...oh what is that...ohhh just a hose...phewy....meow...sacrs the purrrr rights out of me....looks at those birds and bugs all around...what's a kitty to do??? I sure like the yard when mommy is right there with me..meow...Now that wasn't too bad!!


Daisy said...

Miz Allie, you sure have a pretty yard to explore!

The Crew said...

Wow, that was exciting! You have a very nice yard.

PB 'n J said...

That sure is a beautiful yard you have to explore Miz Allie!

DaCraftyLady said...

Meow Miz Allie Cat