Friday, April 25, 2008

look What Mommy Saw Out Front??

Ahhh now even I likes these little guys...Meow


Daisy said...

That's so cute! Poor Momma duck must have her hands full. I mean, her webbed feet full.

Poppy Q said...

Very cute little family out for a walk. On my mums seventh birthday (a few decades ago), a mama duck and seven baby ducklings came up the driveway to stay for a week or so. That mama duck was very viscious.

Mr. Hendrix said...

cute! mommy duck has a lot of little duckies to watch out for. hmmmm i wonder if she'd like me to watch them??? hee hee hee

I got my swap n tails package! thank you so much! we loves it and posted it to both blogs. mommy wore her pretty bandana while she planted yesterday.

you're so sweet!

Miz Allie Cat said...

meow all...yes she is strting her feets fast...meow

Cecil the Cougar: said...

Squeeeeee baby duckies!!!! SOO CUTE, almost as cute as a pile of kittens!